How To Breath for Peace
Feeling worried, trapped, uneasy, or scared? Here’s a quick tip to flip those emotions to tranquil, free, settled, and peaceful.
The world has valid reasons for experiencing negative feelings right now, but being in a constant state of stress and fight or flight (your sympathetic nervous system) doesn’t do anyone any good - it fogs the mind, depletes energy, and compromises your immune system. Here’s a tool to immediately activate your parasympathetic nervous system for a calm and collected result.
And you don’t have to be sitting in the middle of a rose quartz spiral, next to a big buddha statue, amongst swaying bamboo. You can practice this anywhere, in any amount of chaos, and you will become better at it and able to tap in quicker each time
Get comfortable. Close your eyes. Breathe:
Inhale through the nose for 3…2…1.
Pause at the top.
Exhale through the nose for 6…5…4…3…2…1.
Pause at the bottom.
Repeat 5 times (or more if needed).
Essentially you’re doubling the length of your exhalation. So as you practice, you may gradually increase the length of your breath - like inhaling for 4 counts, exhaling for 8; inhaling for 5 counts, exhaling for 10. Whatever you can comfortably complete.
Tune into sensation - on the inhale allow your torso to expand in all directions filling you with healing oxygen and peace. As you exhale, feel everything settling back down into it’s root, softening into relaxation.
After, acknowledge how a few moments of conscious breathing makes you feel - mentally, physically, emotionally.
Please comment below on how this exercise works for you or if you have any questions! Peace and Love my Friends!