Banana River Fish Kill 2016
Video by Zach Bankhead, Property Manager of Banana River Resort.
Yesterday was International Water Day ... This is our backyard today.... We need lots of shares to raise awareness and we can start doing our part now to make change. The Banana River is relatively stagnant and succumbs to runoff of pesticides, fertilizer, etc. You can see the result here - brown water and literally death everywhere. Please be conscious of the chemicals you use in and around your homes and lawns - consider naturalizing your yard and look for eco-friendly alternatives. Let's think of the big picture and be responsible on the day to day. This river is a life source for so many, especially the tourist and fishing industries. This river is where we play, where we paddle and fish, where we bring our families to see dolphins and manatees. It needs our help. Please share.
How can I help?
Shared from Florida Sportswoman:
This map is meant to help understand and simplify what you might see or hear regarding a few different but equally urgent water issues in Florida. We've all unfortunately seen the photos being shared around social media of massive fish kills but we need to take the next step by contacting our elected officials. You can help by clicking on one of the links below, selecting your county and then emailing one or more elected officials so they can elevate the concern to state and national levels.
Phone Numbers:
FL Senator Thad Altman: 321-868-2132
US Rep Bill Posey: 321-632-1776
US Senator Bill Nelson: 202-224-5274
US Senator Marco Rubio: 202-224-3041
FL Counties:
Elected Officials:
For more on the story read here: